We need you!

We always welcome volunteer support from individuals, local community clubs, schools, and businesses who step up and offer their valuable time. Volunteers are the very foundation of our Field Days, and without them, we could not deliver the event.

Volunteering is rewarding and great for networking and is essential for any regional event.

We rely on volunteers to staff the gates and undertake other tasks during the weekend. Volunteers also make up the working bees that help prepare the grounds prior to the Field Days weekend and help pack then up afterwards.

We value our volunteers, and your support certainly doesn’t go unnoticed. Once you have completed your volunteer shift you gain the following benefits:

Free Entry

Food & Drink



Join a Working Bee

Our working bees are held between 9am and 3pm during the weekends and on some week days from late September leading up to the event. You don’t have to attend the whole day, just as much time as you can spare. Lunch is provided as well as a free day entry into the Field Days. Jobs undertaken by the working bees include:
  • Measuring out the exhibitor and other sites
  • Pushing the liner marker
  • Constructing and placing the site numbers
  • Putting up bunting (an essential part of any field day)
  • Erecting the street and other signs around the grounds
  • Tidying up the site, including mowing and whipper snipping
If you want to join a working bee please send an email to volunteers@mfdays.com with your name and telephone number and we will be in touch. Further information about the date and time of each working bee will be available on this website and emailed to volunteers who have sent us their contact details.
Date Key Tasks What to Bring
Saturday 1 October
Site marking
Whipper snipping
Whipper snipper and spare line
Gloves, earmuffs or ear plugs, boots, hat etc
Sunday 2 October
Finish site marking
Whipper snipping
Pressure wash shed
Whipper snipper and spare line
Gloves, earmuffs or ear plugs, boots, hat etc
Saturday 8 October
Whipper snipping
Exhibitor site numbers
Whipper snipper and spare line
Gloves, earmuffs or ear plugs, boots, hat etc
Sunday 9 October
Whipper snipping
Whipper snipper and spare line
Gloves, earmuffs or ear plugs, boots, hat etc

Each working bee will start at 9.00am. You can turn up when convenient, and you don’t have to attend the whole day, just as much time as you can spare. When you do turn up, please report to the supervisor who will ask you to sign in and let you know what work to do. Signing the attendance sheet is very important as we need to know who is on the grounds for insurance purposes and in case there is an emergency. 

We also need help during the weeks of 3 and 10 October. The MFD Grounds Manager can provide details when you attend a working bee or you can email volunteers@mfdays.com and we will send you the information. 

We will supply sun block, sanitiser, tea, coffee, water, snacks and lunch. We will also provide 2 stroke fuel and spare line for the whipper snippers. 

More information about the working bees can be found here. 

Choose a Role

Public Gate Duty

This is where we need the most volunteers. As a general gate volunteer, you will welcome visitors to the Field Days and scan their entry tickets, stamp returning visitors and hand out programs. There are also some roles for selling tickets (no cash).

 If you’d like to volunteer as a community or family group, then we can roster you on a gate together.

Field Days Office

In the Field Days Office you will undertake various administrative tasks and help with exhibitor and visitor enquiries.

Grounds Crew

As part of the Grounds Crew you will help ensure the site is safe and operating smoothly. Tasks include escorting vehicles, directing internal traffic, fixing hazards, making simple repairs and keeping a general look out for any issues.

Exhibitor Gates

If you like early starts, the gates open to exhibitors at 6.00am! You will check exhibitors’ passes and direct them to their site.

Site Minding

This is a great service for our exhibitors. You will keep an eye on an exhibitor’s site for a short time while they take a break.

Oval Entertainment

The Field Days include plenty of performances, talks and other events. As an entertainment volunteer you will help manage the family fun events on the oval including our returning gumboot throwing competition! 

Field Days Announcers

We’re looking for some new people to be the ‘voice of the field days’ to get those important announcements out to visitors and exhibitors. A clear voice is needed for this role. Experience is preferred but not essential. 

Social Media Support

You will help our PR team capture engaging social media content. If you have a creative eye and like creating content, this is for you. A fun opportunity for young people or media students – great for CV’s. 


You will help people who attend the Field Days to complete and return event survey cards. The survey results are used for heaps of things, but most importantly they tell us how we can improve the event and bring people back next year.

2024 Volunteer Sign Up Form

If you would like to sign up as a volunteer for the 2024 Murrumbateman Field Days on Sat 19 and Sun 20 Oct, complete the below form and we will be in touch. 

Volunteer Form

Your Details

Please list your personal details so we can contact you:


Select all roles that you would like to volunteer for:

Days and Times

Please enter the days and times you are available

Saturday 19 October 2024

Please select your availability for Saturday

How many shifts do you want to volunteer for on Saturday?

We know you may not want to be assigned to every shift for which you might be available. Please enter what is relevant to you:

Sunday 20 October 2024

Please select your availability for Sunday

Emergency Contact

Enter a contact we can call in case of emergency:

Special Requirements

Please list any food allergies or special requirements to help us cater for you:

By submitting this form, you consent to subscribe to future emails from Murrumbateman Field Days.

Volunteer Sign Up Form

If you would like to sign up as a volunteer for the 2022 Murrumbateman Field Days, complete the below form and we will be in touch shortly.

Emergency Contact
Select all roles that you would like to volunteer for:
Days and Times
You can volunteer for one or more shifts during the Field Days.
Please indicate whether you would like to work on just one day or on both days, and how many shifts you want to work each day, by ticking the boxes relevant to you:
I am available for the following shifts:

Join a Working Bee

Our working bees are held between 9am and 3pm during the weekends and on some week days from late September leading up to the event. You don’t have to attend the whole day, just as much time as you can spare. Lunch is provided as well as a free day entry into the Field Days.

Jobs undertaken by the working bees include:

  • Measuring out the exhibitor and other sites
  • Pushing the liner marker
  • Constructing and placing the site numbers
  • Putting up bunting (an essential part of any field day)
  • Erecting the street and other signs around the grounds
  • Tidying up the site, including whipper snipping
If you want to join a working bee please send an email to volunteers@mfdays.com with your name and telephone number and we will be in touch.
Further information about the date and time of each working bee will be available in September and emailed to volunteers who have sent us their contact details. Keep an eye on our Facebook Page.