Volunteer Resources Volunteers Portal Welcome, and thank you for volunteering in 2023!The portal will keep you up to date with the preparations for the Field Days and contains information about volunteer roles, the volunteer rosters, work health and safety and other policies. Volunteer RosterCheck what times you have been rostered - click on this text to go to the latest 2023 Volunteer Rosta. Murrumbateman Field Days 2022 Volunteers Satisfaction Survey 1. Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience as a volunteer at the 2022 Field Days? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2. Please rate your satisfaction with the following: Level of communication Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Quality of communication (including the volunteers portal) Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Quality of role statements and policies Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Orientation/Training Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Work health and safety arrangements Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Availability of volunteer food and drinks Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 3. Please indicate all the volunteer roles you performed: Helped at a working bee before the event General gates Exhibitor gates Announcer Grounds crew Entertainment Field days office Site minding Survey 4. What did you like about the role/s you performed? 5. What did you dislike about the role/s you performed? 6. Do you think the 3 hour shifts are: Too long Too short Just right 7. Do you think you will volunteer for the 2023 Field Days? 7 Yes No, please specify why 7 8. Would you recommend volunteering at the Field Days to a friend? 8 Yes No, please specify why 8 9. Please indicate how you heard about volunteering for the Field Days: Email (returning volunteer) Facebook Murrumbateman Markets Friend Other – please specify 10. Please indicate your gender: Male Female Other Prefer not to say 11. Please select the category that includes your age: Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-55 55+ 12. Please include any additional comments you have about your volunteer experience. Send Already a volunteer? Login Already a volunteer? Login Already a volunteer? Login Already a volunteer? Login